The Manzanita Village Restoration Project began in August of 2002. The California Coastal Commission (CCC) required the restoration of 0.86 acres of wetlands as mitigation for impacts to wetland buffers at the project site. In addition to the mitigation requirements, the UCSB Housing and Residential Services Department provided funding for upland native grassland habitat restoration surrounding the wetlands and the creation of 1300 linear feet of bioswales. Bioswales are created wetlands designed to convey and filter stormwater. To date, more than 80,000 native plants have been installed with the assistance of more than 50 UCSB student interns and volunteers. Ongoing monitoring and maintenance will continue in perpetuity.
Manzanita Village before restoration
Manzanita Village after restoration
Manzanita Village at a glance
Date Initiated: 2002
Size: 9.7 acres
Habitat types: Coastal Grassland, Vernal Pools, Freshwater Marsh, Coastal Sage Scrub
Special Status Species: Atriplex coulteri (Coulter's saltbush), Centromadia parryi ssp. australis (Southern tarplant), Plantago elongata (slender plantain)
All Cheadle Center restoration monitoring reports, databases, and referenceable data are stored in the Cheadle Center eScholarship repository and can be accessed through our Data and Research Resources page.
California poppies in bloom at Manzanita Village